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Architecture Design, Landscape and Waterscape Design

7D International provides full range of services in consulting on architecture and architecture design area. We specialize in urban studies and preparation of zoning plans and city planning

Defense, Aerospace and Aviation

7D offers contracting with businesses that closely related to the most of the industries we cover in our profile, such as logistics, IT & information management, engineering and technical support

Finance, Banking

7D International is the best partner for your business, whether you need a consultancy in general finance or more specific banking operations and investment


Our company helps our clients engage strategic decision, including future business systems, new content delivery models and media and technology companies

Private equity

We deliver consulting services including program management solutions for national and international companies undertaking major infrastructure projects

Utilities & Alternative energies

7D plays an outstanding role in providing energy, especially Green Energy. In the spotlight of our company there are solar systems as well as the other electrical projects with efficient technologies

Environment, sorting, recycling, Bulk Handling Systems

7D provides consulting services in the areas of environment, sorting and Bulk Handling Systems. Each one of these areas has separate ranges in which we work

Global Partners